22 April 2010

Training camp

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A little bit more than two weeks to go before we are ready to hit the stage in Finland. Time for the more serious and passionate anglers to take a moment of peace. Step out of the crowds and get into meditation. Well, meditation?

Starting this Thursday I (Arubaman) will start my personal program to get into a full karma modus. The objective of my training mission is to get closer to the gear, practice some casting and get used to entire days of fishing. I also made an appointment with one of my good friend Laurenz (www.flyfishingaruba.com) to get some practice casting from a boat. And as the state of zen requires more then just casting, I will be doing my fair share of poling as well.

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But is it fun to practice in the closed season? Here in the Netherlands no one is allowed to fish with flies or lures bigger than 2,5 centimeters and that way you won’t get the full exposure on the strengths of forceful double hauls. With such small lures/flies you won’t get a good chance at big fish like Simon promised us we will be dealing with in Finland.

And let’s be honest, when we go out to Finland it’s a lot of fishing, but we will have to adept to the booze we will be sharing with the other teams at nighttime too. So what better way is there then just taking a break off the regular veterinary work and go out fishing everyday? Getting pissed in the evening and feeling fine to make long casts the next day, when you still got the feeling some poor mans reel is rattling in your brain and the man with the hammer seriously is knocking on the forehead door?

Well, I think I made my point. This Thursday I will be travelling south for my personal trainings camp. Just getting to know my gear and preparing for the match is the perfect excuse for me to go to Aruba and Bonaire. Searching for some bones or tarpon while evenings will be filled with sipping some beers with my lazy ass in a local bar.


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Photo's by Rianne Sneevliet

1 comment:

  1. The Dutch four HQ; tactical meeting;

    - What do we do when we find a great spot. We should find a way to recognize the spot the next time

    ¤ I know, let's mark the spot with a big X on the bottom of the boat.

    - That's not going to work.

    ¤ Why not?

    - Well dummy, we can't be sure we have the same boat the next time we go fishing
