19 May 2010

Discussing tactics and streamers

The evening before our practice day we had a small sit together. We went to the dining room of the lodge and put all our streamers on the table. Sander had ziplocs full of his favourites, while HJ, Erik and Hajee had the nice wooden boxes with them that were made for the Dutch Four by Jan Boonstra.


What a bunch of streamers, at least 200 tied with the nice materials mostly provided by Tom and Kaj. And of course there’s Dyckers for all the EP we used, and I have to admit I am becoming a bigger fan of EP by the day (the other three members of the D4 already were convinced).


So we all looked into each other’s collection and took out what we thought we would be needing. As we were sitting there, every now and then a member of the other teams would pass by and have a look, and it was interesting to discuss the streamer choice with them. It seems that us Dutchmen tie much bigger and more breathing streamers than most other competitors do. Everybody was still very confident of his own materials and we had a good laugh with the other teams about each other’s streamers. The upcoming event would show who was right and who was wrong….

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